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The relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction of telecommuters in the United States

Posted on:2017-08-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Cox-Brown, JudyFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011997633Subject:Organizational Behavior
Telecommuting benefits both organizations and employees. It provides flexibility to today's diverse workforce and allows organizations to maintain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining the best talent. However, there are a number of challenges such as communication, isolation and trust, resulting from the use of technology and reduced face-to-face interactions. As telecommuting becomes popular, there is increased interest in finding out what factors influence job satisfaction and which leadership style is most effective for managing telecommuters. There is limited literature on how transformational leadership relates to the job satisfaction of telecommuters. Using Spearman's coefficient correlation and linear regression analysis, this study evaluated whether there was a relationship between transformational leadership and the job satisfaction of 139 employees in the United States who telecommuted three or more days each week. The results showed that transformational leadership had a statistically significant and positive association with job satisfaction. The results also indicated that transformational leadership only explained 17% of the variation in job satisfaction levels, suggesting that other variables, possibly some of the challenges, also influenced the job satisfaction of telecommuters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Job satisfaction, Transformational leadership, Telecommuters
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