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Leadership Development for Generations X and Y

Posted on:2017-02-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northcentral UniversityCandidate:Kammien, LawrenceFull Text:PDF
Organizations are experiencing generational dynamics, which are likely to present organizational development challenges. Demographic changes in society, primarily due to an aging population, are influencing leadership roles in organizations (Stevens, 2010). There are four generations in the workplace: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. As Baby Boomers leave organizations, Generation X and Generation Y will become more valuable for filling the organization gap in the workforce (Sujansky, 2003). As the generations transition in the workplace organizations will need to develop individuals for knowledge transfer and to assume responsibilities vacated by departing generations. Organizations must determine the most effective methods for developing members of Generations X and Y for future leadership roles. This research explored the most effective development methods. The problem addressed is the lack of qualified, available candidates to assume organizational leadership positions of current leaders. In the next 10 years, seventy-six million Baby Boomers will retire and the younger generations number only 46 million (Stevens, 2010). The demographic change leaves a 30 million person deficit for replacing skilled managers. The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to explore the leadership development necessary for preparing candidates to assume leadership positions available due to the generational dynamics in organizations. A questionnaire, interviews, and a focus group were used as methods of inquiry. The population consisted of organizational leaders and learning executives developing Generation X and Y candidates for potential leadership roles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Generation, Leadership, Development, Organizational, Organizations
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