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30 is the new 20: Emerging adult perspectives on success in English developmental courses

Posted on:2012-08-21Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Argosy University/Hawai'iCandidate:Johnston-Borja, Nadine VanessaFull Text:PDF
This study examined aspects of emerging adulthood that contribute to success in English developmental courses. The research approach included qualitative interviews with a collective case study of 12 emerging adults between the ages of 18-25 who successfully completed EN085 and EN085L at the University of Guam. The emerging adults shared experiences concerning environment, culture, identity exploration, and developmental course contributions relative to student persistence and success in higher education. The research conducted offers an understanding of aspects that impact academic achievement in emerging adults entering college underprepared. Recommendations for future research include an examination of various aspects of environment, subcultures within a majority culture, emerging adults in upper level college courses, and similar studies with a quantitative approach.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emerging, Success, Developmental
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