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Reframing organizational misconduct: A symbolic interactionist study of deceptive sales practices at a major life insurance company

Posted on:2003-08-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Boston CollegeCandidate:MacLean, Tammy LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011486190Subject:Business Administration
This research examines organizational misconduct from a symbolic interactionist perspective, providing theoretical insights into the mechanisms underlying the cause-and-effect relationships posited by the dominant, pressure/opportunity model of organizational misconduct.; Inductive, qualitative analysis of a case of deceptive sales practices at a major life insurer suggests ways that socially constructed frames evolved and became sedimented at the insurance company, acting to normalize the use of deceptive sales practices. A theoretical model grounded in data is developed, proposing that the iterative interaction of frames, structure, and actions resulted in the institutionalization of deceptive sales practices. Findings from this research both support and extend the pressure/opportunity model of organizational misconduct. In defense of the dominant model, it confirms that environmental and organizational factors do create pressures and opportunities that drive organizational misconduct. However, these findings suggest also suggest that pressure and opportunity can be mediated by embedded organizational frames with the potential to normalize (or potentially demonize) organizational misconduct.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organizational misconduct, Deceptive sales practices, Symbolic interactionist, Major life, Insurance company
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