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Affective organizational commitment among non-traditional undergraduate business majors: An empirical investigation

Posted on:2004-12-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Bowers, BarbaraFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011463384Subject:Business Administration
Deficiencies in two areas of affective commitment research, (a) organizational characteristics, and (b) personal characteristics confirmed the need to conduct this study. The study addressed the following questions: (a) Are there significant differences in affective organizational commitment among non-traditional undergraduate business majors between those who receive employer-funded benefits and those that do not receive employer-funded benefits, and (b) Are there significant differences in affective organizational commitment among the sixteen psychological types of non-traditional undergraduate business majors. Analysis of variance and subsequent post hoc testing led to the rejection of the study's null hypotheses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Undergraduate business majors, Affective organizational commitment among
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