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KASE: A knowledge and structure encapsulated domain-independent paradigm

Posted on:2002-05-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:North Dakota State UniversityCandidate:Ping, Tai-L'AneFull Text:PDF
GTID:1468390011996679Subject:Computer Science
This research presents a new domain-independent paradigm that is implemented as the Knowledge and Structure Encapsulated (KASE) domain-independent system. The KASE domain-independent system focuses on providing a modularized, robust, sharable, and reusable domain-independent platform for constructing domain-specific or domain dependent case-based reasoners. The new early failure warning mechanism for detecting and preventing any past failed solution from being repeated in the knowledge retrieval processes further reinforces the robustness of the new domain independent paradigm.; Much of the research effort has been devoted to provide the sharing and reusing capabilities of knowledge and structure, knowledge storage, domain-independent reasoning functionalities, and meta-knowledge functionalities which leap across the boundaries of domains. Hence, the difficulties and the limitations regarding sharability and reusability of knowledge and methods posed by current domain-specific case-based reasoners can be circumvented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Domain-independent, Knowledge and structure
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