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Evaluation of dynamic properties of software architectures using software architecture execution

Posted on:2004-04-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at AustinCandidate:Holt, James CarrellFull Text:PDF
GTID:1468390011964252Subject:Computer Science
This dissertation shows that an integration of software architecture execution techniques is capable of evaluating multiple dynamic properties of requirements early and iteratively in the software development lifecycle. Contributions include a process and supporting tool for dynamic property evaluations, experimental results investigating the approach, and a case study involving an industrial software development project. Results show that the techniques developed in this dissertation can assist stakeholders in early detection and correction of requirements errors, and can provide rationale for decision-making associated with requirements trade-offs and evolution. Furthermore, the case study illustrates that the evaluation process and tool can be successfully employed to allow stakeholders who are not experts in software architecture execution to perform and analyze results of early dynamic property evaluations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Software architecture execution, Dynamic
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