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Improving network performance using QoS routing and deferred reservations

Posted on:2003-02-07Degree:D.ScType:Dissertation
University:Washington UniversityCandidate:Norden, SamphelFull Text:PDF
GTID:1468390011485917Subject:Computer Science
The current trends in the evolution of the Internet phenomena indicate the emergence of a new class of applications such as video-on-demand and IP telephony, that require strict Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. There are two aspects to providing guaranteed QoS, (a) Selection of routes that support the required QoS; (b) Reservation of network resources such as link bandwidth, on selected routes. The current Internet provides “best-effort” service where packets are routed on a hop-by-hop basis, with no end-to-end service guarantees. QoS routing algorithms have been proposed to select routes with service guarantees. However, these schemes are complex and are hard to deploy. In addition, there is limited prior work on QoS routing across domains. Our work represents new approaches in the following areas: (1) Resource reservation; (2) Efficient Intra and Inter-domain QoS routing protocols. We evaluate the performance of the proposed schemes through analytical models as well as a comprehensive simulation study on realistic ISP and multi-domain topologies. The results confirm the benefits of our proposed algorithms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qos routing
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