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Effect of different database structure representations, query languages, and user characteristics on information retrieval

Posted on:2004-08-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of AlabamaCandidate:Bizarro, Pascal AntoineFull Text:PDF
GTID:1468390011474157Subject:Business Administration
This project investigates the impact of different database structure representations, query languages, and user characteristics on an information retrieval task. Cognitive fit theory was used to formulate four hypotheses based on different measures of end-user performance. A laboratory experiment was conducted to test the hypotheses and the research question on the impact of user characteristics. Participants included accounting and MIS majors. Analysis of variance and post hoc means comparisons were used to analyze the results.; While previous research manipulated only the database structure representation or the query language, this research project extends the current research in accounting and information systems by manipulating both the database structure representation and the query tool. Also, user characteristics, such as cognitive style and professional skills, are explicitly included in the research model, where these previously had been ignored.; The findings of the current study cannot be explained by cognitive fit theory. Different combinations of database structure representation and query language are best suited depending on the measure of performance used and on user characteristics. These results have practical implications, because they can help professionals determine the type of database documentation and query tools particular end-users need to improve their performance in query writing tasks. This study also reveals that user characteristics are important factors to be considered when investigating the end-user's performance. These characteristics, such as the wholist-analytic cognitive style should help practitioners and academics designing and implementing customized training.
Keywords/Search Tags:Characteristics, Database structure representation, Query, Different, Information, Cognitive, Performance
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