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The optimal cluster repair sequence for a transportation network following an earthquake

Posted on:2004-04-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Alrakabi, FahadFull Text:PDF
After a major earthquake bridges and other network links will most likely have to be grouped into clusters to define a repair sequence. This will result in a finite number of clusters. We are concerned with the method for sequencing repair of these clusters, given that resources may not be available to repair all clusters simultaneously. The optimal repair sequence minimizes total network delay. Our aim, therefore, is to develop methods that can optimize network performance as incremental repairs are made, until there is no further damage to the transportation network. We have established different solutions methods to handle the cluster-sequencing problem. As a way to track a solution method for our problem, there is a formulation of a dynamic programming approach to the modified travel salesman problem. Then the solution methods proposed are the Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm, and a heuristic greedy approach. There is also a newly developed simulation method that is applied to the cluster-sequencing problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network, Repair sequence, Clusters, Problem
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