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Grid resource allocation and scheduling in optical networks

Posted on:2012-07-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at DallasCandidate:Kannasoot, NipatjakornFull Text:PDF
Due to the advance of the Internet and the availability of powerful computing resources, Grid computing has emerged and has led to the possibility of using a collection of shared resources to solve large-scale problems. In this work, we focus on the problem of Grid resource allocation and scheduling in optical networks. The problem is the spatial and temporal assignment of Grid tasks to shared resources distributed over the optical network. The main of objective of this problem is to minimize the completion time or the schedule length of Grid requests.;First, we study the problem of Grid resource allocation over Optical Burst Switched (OBS) networks. In this problem, Grid requests contain a set of independent tasks. The problem is to find and select the set of Grid processing locations so that the performance of the Grid service is optimized.;Next, we study the effect of sequential dependent tasks on an OBS Grid. In this problem, a Grid request contains a number of tasks which have sequential dependency. The request may need to be routed to multiple Grid sites. The problem is to find the set of Grid processing locations to process all tasks in order.;We then study the problem of coordinated reservation and scheduling of Grid computing resources and network resources in an optical circuit switched network. A Grid request is represented as Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). The problem is to select a set of Grid resources for executing tasks, to select a set of links for transferring data among tasks, and to reserve each selected Grid and network resource for the appropriate period of time.;At last, we investigate the problem of Grid request scheduling and protection over an optical Grid, where Grid resources are interconnected over Optical Circuit Switched (OCS) networks. The objective of this work is to minimize blocking probability of a Grid request, which requires protection against failures. Our goal is to schedule and allocate primary and protection resources for a set of Grid requests with the objective of minimizing blocking probability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Resource, Optical, Grid request, Problem, Grid computing, Blocking probability, Engineering, Grid processing locations
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