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Support for self-selection of reading materials based on classroom library size and independent reading time

Posted on:1999-04-22Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of South DakotaCandidate:Montgomery, Susan AliceFull Text:PDF
The differences in classroom library size and independent reading time in first-, third-, and fifth-grade classrooms in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin were investigated to determine whether a decline in motivation to read as students progress through the grades could be related to a decline in opportunity for self-selection of reading materials. Classroom library size and minutes of independent reading were determined by surveying 244 teachers.;The results of the analysis of variance for classroom library size and minutes of independent reading time indicated no significant differences between first-, third-, and fifth-grade classrooms. Balanced reading programs were reported most frequently, followed by literature-based reading programs and lastly basal reading programs. The majority of surveyed teachers provided independent reading time daily. Classrooms at all three grade levels provided more that the recommended number of books per pupil. Characteristics of good classroom libraries such as a variety of books in a special area of the classroom were reported at all grade levels. The decline in motivation to read with each subsequent year in school can not be attributed to differences in opportunities for self-selection of reading materials based on the number of books in a room or on the amount of free time given to children to select books.
Keywords/Search Tags:Classroom library size, Reading, Self-selection, Books
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