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Promoting instructional interactions: Effects of training preschool teachers to use a discrete trial instructional format during classroom activities

Posted on:2002-12-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:McBride, Bonnie JeanFull Text:PDF
This study evaluated the effects of a teacher training package that included the sequential components (activity-based intervention (ABI) and ABI with discrete trial) on the rate of instructional opportunities presented to young children with disabilities on pre-selected IEP objectives. Three teachers and three children (CA = 3–6) participated in this study. A multiple probe design was used with four conditions: classroom baseline, ABI, ABI with discrete trial, and generalization. The rate of instruction increased in the ABI only condition, but substantial increases were not seen until teachers received instruction on how to organize and conduct an instructional trial using a basic discrete trial format. All trials were presented in the context of the planned activities during the classroom free play period. Concurrently measured teacher behavior showed that the percentage of intervals in which teachers engaged in obligatory interactions (those that required a response) and nonobligatory interactions (those that did not require a response) increased as the rate of instruction increased. However, the introduction of a discrete trial format appeared not to decrease the amount of time teachers engaged children in interactions that were nondirective. Child outcomes measured showed that as the rate of instruction increased, child engagement either increased or stayed the same, including the children's proximity to peers in the classroom. In addition, all three children showed a higher rate of independent correct responses to target learning objectives in the ABI with discrete trial condition. These findings suggest that an important ingredient in the successful application of systematic instructional procedures in classroom settings may be related to how proficient early interventionist are at organizing and conducting an instructional trial.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trial, Instructional, Classroom, Teachers, Interactions, Format
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