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An assessment of bullying in grades six through twelve in the Page County Public Schools (Virginia)

Posted on:2004-06-14Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of VirginiaCandidate:Thomas, Randall WayneFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to assess bullying in grades six through twelve in the Page County Public Schools. The primary research design for this study was exploratory and descriptive. All 1,918 students in those grades were given a copy of the “Peer Relations Survey” to complete. A total of 1,587 surveys were returned, resulting in a return rate of 83%.; The survey measured incidences of bullying and victimization. It also measured students' attitudes toward bullying, aggression, and teacher help with bullying. One question asked students if they felt unsafe in any area of the school and, if so where. Six different independent variables were measured for 31 of the 32 questions on the survey.; The findings indicated that there were minimal amounts of victimization and bullying in grades six through twelve in Page County. Students are not apprehensive to seek help with bullying from teachers. They also indicated on the survey that their attitudes were against bullying and aggression.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bullying, Grades six through twelve, Page county
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