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Using technology with high school algebra students to enhance attitudes and academic performance

Posted on:2003-05-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Central FloridaCandidate:Moch, Peggy LeeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011490078Subject:Educational technology
In 2001, this study investigated the infusion of MathXpert into a high school Algebra Ib curriculum, looking specifically at what effect, if any, this infusion had on student attitudes and academic performance. The first part of the study analyzed student responses to a researcher-adapted attitude survey; the second part analyzed academic performance using a pre and posttest format for two chapters focused first on polynomials and factoring, and secondly on using proportions and rational thinking; the third part of the study looked at qualitative responses from students with regard to their impressions and feelings about the use of the software; the fourth part of the study looked more closely at a subgroup of 10 students within the experimental group given MathXpert for home use; a total of 78 students participated in the study.;The questionnaire was composed of four constructs: self-efficacy, emotions, values, and mental effort. The mental effort construct was found to be unreliable and was not analyzed further. Findings from the other three constructs showed no ranked mean differences between groups, but a statistically significant ranked mean difference was found within the control and nearly so in the home-user groups for emotions. No statistically significant mean difference was determined for the first chapter investigated and the statistical significance of the second chapter was not of any practical importance. Qualitative responses ranged from poor to excellent, with a majority of students favoring the use and usefulness of MathXpert.;Recommendations were made for modification and future applications of the instrument used in the study and for continued research on the various influences of technology in the high school mathematics classroom.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school, Students, Using, Academic
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