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Leading Effective Educational Technology in K--12 School Districts: A Grounded Theory

Posted on:2012-10-06Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Hill, Lara Gillian CFull Text:PDF
A systematic grounded theory qualitative study was conducted investigating the process of effectively leading educational technology in New Jersey public K-12 school districts. Data were collected from educational technology district leaders (whether formal or non-formal administrators) and central administrators through a semi-structured online questionnaire and an online focus group. Six themes were identified: (a) leadership characteristics, (b) leadership skills, (c) leadership responsibilities, (d) organizational structure of educational technology, (e) general technology responsibilities, and (f) pressures. In addition, a grounded theory representing the relationships of the various themes to each other was generated. The research findings are beneficial to central administration and educational technology leaders at school districts by providing a grounded theory model of relationships of the themes to each other within the process of leading educational technology and recommendations for best practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Educational technology, Grounded theory, Leading, School districts
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