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Global governors: Foreign affairs activities among the 50 American states

Posted on:1999-07-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Boston UniversityCandidate:Frank, Paul EnriqueFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390014470326Subject:Political science
This dissertation examines the degree to which American states become involved in foreign affairs and what factors influence such activity. Through an exhaustive examination of primary and secondary sources, as well as a questionnaire sent to the 50 governors, the claim was established that states have historically conducted affairs with foreign nations on a variety of issues. The study thus fills a gap in the current literature on states and global relations, since that literature describes international affairs conducted by non-federal governments, but says nothing about which states are likely to conduct such affairs and why.;By classifying the states on nine socio-economic and political indicators, it is possible to place each into one of four foreign policy types: (1) primarily economic; (2) primarily political; (3) a combination of economic and political; and (4) isolationist. The relation between the types (the dependent variable) and eight independent demographic variables was then measured statistically.;Multiple examples of state-level foreign affairs, as well as several theoretical arguments, clearly dismiss the notion that international relations is the exclusive domain of the federal government. This research concludes that because of differing state histories, needs, and resources a universal approach to foreign policy is not appropriate. Instead, each state should develop its own system based on several general guidelines outlined in the conclusion. These include: (1) gather and disseminate information pertinent to foreign affairs; (2) attract foreign investment by focusing on strengths of the state rather than financial incentives; (3) develop a strategic plan; (4) create a structure for implementation; and (5) become more international as a governor by traveling abroad, learning a foreign language, or hosting global dignitaries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign, States, Global
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