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Assessing the functional and constitutional implications of private security patrols on public streets

Posted on:2002-03-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at ChicagoCandidate:Pastor, James FFull Text:PDF
This exploratory research seeks to shed light on private policing of public streets. There has been little research conducted to assess such patrols. Indeed, previous research has focused on certain issues surrounding private patrols, such as the reduction of crime or fear. From this perspective, the utilization of private police patrols has been shown to have a positive impact on crime rates and the level of fear associated with crime. Clearly, these are important considerations.;This study takes a different approach to the issue. First, this research seeks to analyze the functions of private police officers as they perform their duties on public streets. In this regard, the focus is to understand how private police officers do their job. There are three broad policing functions derived from crime and policing literature. These functions are law enforcement, order maintenance, and traditional security methods. Each of these functions were assessed in relation to private policing. Second, once the functions were assessed, the focus shifts to assess whether particular functions result in constitutional violations. In essence, the research seeks to investigate whether the functions of private policing will inevitably precede violations of the constitution.;The general conclusions of this study was that private police officers perform the order maintenance function more pervasively than the other two functions. The performance of this function, and of the law enforcement function, resulted in numerous constitutional violations. The constitutional violations were both directly observed during the ride-alongs, and were inferred from the documentary analysis and from interviews with key decision makers.;The research culminated with a discussion of the implications of private policing. The implications were assessed from an operational perspective, including such matters as training, wages, and accountability. The implications were also addressed from a larger societal relationship, focusing on the constitutional and public policy aspects of the phenomenon. From both perspectives, this research has broken new ground, and hopefully will lead to further study of this significant and prevailing trend within the public safety industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public, Private, Constitutional, Research seeks, Implications, Patrols, Function
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