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Vital signs of multiple-staff ministry in Chinese churches

Posted on:1996-10-21Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Talbot School of Theology, Biola UniversityCandidate:Ginn, Alan KeungFull Text:PDF
Vital signs are diagnostic indicators of health, life, and vitality. The association of vital signs to a multiple-staff ministry pertains to a group of people called together to serve on a church pastoral team. This project assesses the dynamics of an effective multiple staff. Evidences of a healthy, growing, vibrant multiple-staff ministry are seen through vital signs which include: communication, conflict management and resolution, cultural understanding, leadership, longevity of the staff, personality mix, vision, direction and organization of the staff.; This project is limited in its scope to a study of vital signs of multiple-staff ministry in Chinese churches in the United States. Thirty Chinese churches participated in the survey on multiple-staff ministry. Ten churches were selected for closer scrutiny. The findings are included in this project.; Desiring to see healthy and dynamic church growth among Chinese churches, this dissertation is a contribution towards that purpose.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multiple-staff ministry, Vital signs, Chinese churches
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