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The use of humor among adult educators in a formal classroom setting

Posted on:1998-12-12Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:North Carolina State UniversityCandidate:Prosser, Bruce R. (Bo), JrFull Text:PDF
Classic approaches to teaching have primarily focused on teacher presentation. Scholars have mostly ignored humor. Recently, humor has begun to be regarded as important but with the focus mainly on children and adolescents.;This study surveyed instructors of adult education in formal classroom instruction. The sample represents members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Educators (CPAE) listed in the 1994-95 membership list. The sample size was ;The instrument was a new design. The design benefitted from the University of New Mexico's Humor in Teaching: Resource Packet (TA Resource Center, undated) and the work of Neuliep (1991) examining the use of humor by high school teachers.;This instrument was a Likert scale composed of eighty-four items designed to measure attitudes and perceptions about the use of humor in teaching adults. Using t-tests and other statistical measures, data were tested for differences in relationships between independent and dependent variables. In all cases the level of significance was ;Major findings include the following: (1) Humor matters in the instruction of adults. Ninety-nine per cent of the respondents reported humor as important for teaching adults. (2) Discussion and small groups are the most preferred methods for teaching with humor. (3) Attitude influences the use of humor. (4) The instructor should be highly sensitive when using humor. (5) Age influences the use of humor. (6) Spontaneous humor is an important teaching method. Almost 79% of the respondents embrace this approach frequently. (7) Humor continues to be a very subjective and individual response.;According to an overwhelming response of survey participants, humor is believed important to the adult teaching/learning process. Humor builds unity, relieves stress, and enhances creativity. Humor helps the instructor enjoy teaching and empowers the learner to participate in the process. Overwhelmingly, humor matters in the teaching/learning of adults.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humor, Adult
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