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Dare the moon embrace the sun? The first steps toward a Korean woman's Christian social ethic

Posted on:2017-07-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Lutheran School of Theology at ChicagoCandidate:Lee, Eun AeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014959817Subject:Gender Studies
Korean feminism has developed through the contextual realities of women's experiences in the dark eras of women's history in Korea. Korean women have struggled under the patriarchal social system and have survived by embracing han (suffering). Indigenous Korean women suffer with han, at that same time, they survive because of han. Korean feminism has blossomed because of han; facing han, struggling with han, embracing han and finally sublimating han in order to be at peace and to be in harmony with their families and their communities. The more indigenous Korean women embrace han, ---the more they suffer ---the stronger they are. Their han does not go to embrace revenge on others, who caused them suffering. Rather, their han develops to mi-eun jeong (affecting love).;The strength of mi-eun jeong is enough to cut off han, which is a vicious circle. Therefore, I argue that a true Korean feminist does not become a tiger ready to fight men, but becomes a beautiful woman to bring peace and harmony for her family and her community. That is the way the moon embraces the sun. The moon dares embrace the sun.;"Embracing" is not to give up their identities as women and members of families, of communities and of nations which God has made. Instead, "embracing" is to find their identities as mothers, daughters, wives and human beings with "wisdom of being present-centered," cutting the vicious circle of suffering. Indigenous Korean women keep their identities as mothers, daughters, wives and furthermore as human beings even within patriarchy. At the same time, they embrace male family members, who sometimes give them a hard time and suffering, with forgiveness and love. In other words, the moon dares embrace the sun, cutting a vicious circle---a circle of suffering (han).
Keywords/Search Tags:Embrace the sun, Korean, Han, Suffering
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