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The relationship between assessment activities completed by non-English speaking Hispanic students and the evaluations they receive

Posted on:2001-10-25Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M University - CommerceCandidate:Montgomery, Nancy VincentFull Text:PDF
This study sought to describe the relationship between assessment activities completed by non-English speaking Hispanic students and the evaluations they received from their general education reading and language arts instructors.; Data were collected over a semester from four general education reading/language arts teachers in grades four through six. These data included pre and post interviews, observations, and a collection of artifacts.; The findings suggest that without training for general education teachers the needs of our limited English proficient students will not be met. The teacher participants constructed their own ways of assessing and evaluating the non-English speakers in their classrooms, but the relationship between activities and evaluations was weak. Lacking training and understanding of the non-English speaking Hispanic student left the teachers frustrated as well as the needs of the students not met. This lack of training and understanding led the teachers to thinking of the students not being motivated, unable to hear, or being intellectually unequal.; The findings suggest that school districts take a pro-active approach in designing a training program for general education teachers so there will be a strong relationship between assessment activities and evaluations. This program must be put in place and completed if the linguistic, affective, and cognitive needs of the non-English speaking Hispanic students are going to be met.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-english speaking hispanic students, Relationship between assessment activities, Education
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