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The rhetoric of Indonesian modernization: A fantasy theme analysis of T. B. Simatupang's writings and speeches, 1945--1989

Posted on:1997-07-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Ohio UniversityCandidate:Sianipar, BinsarFull Text:PDF
This study investigates the rhetorical vision of the late Dr. T. B. Simatupang of Indonesia. Simatupang was the youngest Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army. Following his resignation from the armed forces, Simatupang began his second career in theology that led to his appointment as the president of the Indonesian Council of Churches and one of the presidents of the World Council of Churches based in Geneva, Switzerland. Simatupang was an Indonesian intellectual who was always eager to share his vision of a modern Indonesia.;This study employs fantasy theme analysis developed by Ernest Bormann. This study poses three research questions in relation to Simatupang's dream of Indonesia. First, what are the fantasy themes related to modernization in Simatupang's speeches and writings? Second, what are the rhetorical visions of Simatupang's speeches and writings? Third, what are the successes (failures) of Simatupang's speeches and writings in securing audience acceptance of his themes concerning modernization?;The study reveals five interrelated themes of Simatupang's vision of Indonesia Modernization. These five themes are: modern armed forces under a civilian supremacy, Pancasila Democracy, Equal Citizenship, National Development as a Practical Application of Pancasila, and Political Succession. This study also examines the critical role of Pancasila, the state ideology as the common foundation of Simatupang's themes related to modernization.;Simatupang's themes have two basic arguments. First, Simatupang argued for the continuous evaluation of the military role in the national decision-making process. He hoped that the military would emerge as a supporting force of the country's pursuit of democracy. Second, the national development program should be based on Pancasila that would include all groups of the Indonesian people. The development program should not exclude anybody, and the program should result in an advanced, just, and prosperous society.;Simatupang succeeded in establishing a foundation for his themes in the Indonesian political and economic discourse. The State Guidelines of National Development 1983 incorporated his call for a national development program as a practical application of Pancasila. Although Simatupang's themes of a modern armed forces under civilian supremacy and political succession have not been realized, these themes have emerged as topics of public discussion in Indonesia. Indonesia will have to address these issues in its pursuit of modernization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Indonesia, Modernization, Simatupang, Speeches, Writings, National development, Themes, Fantasy
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