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Discursive and cognitive reorganization through training on a new technology

Posted on:1997-09-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:City University of New YorkCandidate:Zazanis, ElenaFull Text:PDF
This study explored the relationship between language and thought in conceptual development among adults in a workplace where a new inventory control and production planning technology (MRP) was about to be implemented. Subjects were employees in a transportation remanufacturing facility in which their responsibilities included managing, planning and executing the repair and maintenance of public transportation vehicles.; The first phase of the study consisted of ethnographic observation and detailed pre-training interviews which probed for existing concepts of production and scheduling. This phase was followed by a training workshop that engaged trainees in constructing novel MRP concepts and re-organizing existing production concepts within the MRP conceptual domain. Post-training interviews measured discursive and cognitive change surrounding target MRP concepts on the problem solving tasks presented in pre-training interviews.; The theoretical foundation for the study was grounded in Vygotskian theory, and the premise was that language plays a bi-directional role in adult conceptual development in terms of mediating new concepts and reflecting internalized and integrated knowledge. A methodology was developed for investigating this relationship, and a model for the relationship between language and thought in adult conceptual development emerged.; Discourse content and structure surrounding MRP problem solving activities were analyzed and compared with non-verbal performance in pre- and post-training interviews. Results indicated that terms mediated new concepts and that terms were stated before underlying concepts were fully integrated. At first trainees used existing production knowledge to scaffold the new MRP concepts. MRP concepts were then isolated from pre-existing knowledge for internalization and integration. Qualitative changes in discourse structure surrounding the MRP conceptual system occurred with conceptual integration as non-verbal performance on problem-solving activities advanced. Finally, trainees who could consider production constraints and realities in implementing MRP strategies for problem-solving had reached the coordinated level.
Keywords/Search Tags:MRP, New, Conceptual development, Production
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