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A unifying psychology of love: The implicit psychology within Taoism

Posted on:1999-10-23Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:California Institute of Integral StudiesCandidate:Fleischer, Paul EricFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014473849Subject:Clinical Psychology
The field of psychology is currently divided by vast theoretical and technical diversity. While the hundreds of psychological systems and approaches often seem mutually exclusive and contradictory, psychological outcomes research demonstrates a lack of differential effectiveness. This paradox is a source of great confusion and dissent in the field. It is argued in this work that this seeming paradox is actually a product of the assumptions and methods of the Western scientific perspective which dominates psychology. Attempts to approach this paradox from within the perspective that has created this situation is of limited value at best. This dissertation turns to the mystical tradition of Taoism to gain a wider perspective on psychological thought and practice.;By making the implicit psychological insights of the Three Classics of Philosophical Taoism (the Lao Tzu, the Chuang Tzu , and the Lieh Tzu) explicit, a unifying psychology of Love is discovered. First, Taoist assumptions about the nature of Reality are explored. Through this exploration it is shown that Taoism offers a holistic and transdualistic perspective; it teaches that the phenomenal universe is unity manifest as duality. Everything has individual identity and yet is united as part of a larger whole. It is also argued that the Eastern Tao (the single Reality, universal Energy, and Way of life at every level) is equivalent to the Western mystical conceptions of Love.;The elements of psychology are then explored within the context of a Taoist perspective. Self is revealed as a multidimensional microcosm of Love. The essence of the Self is shown to be unconditional loving. Mental health is determined by the harmony or discord of the Self's many dimensions with the Way of Love. Therefore, healing and transformation occur through cultivating unconditional loving by attending to one's harmony and discord with Love.;Using a Taoist perspective it is discovered that all psychologies are united. The apparent divisions simply reflect the infinite ways of conceptualizing the multiple dimensions of Self and of attending to the countless manifestations of harmony and discord in the human experience. A Taoist psychology recognizes that while there are many ways, there is only one Way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychology, Love, Taoism, Psychological, Taoist
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