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Alice Lowe Bullock: The life and work of a Santa Fe author, 1904 to 198

Posted on:1999-09-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of New MexicoCandidate:Darcy, Yvonne MFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014470634Subject:American Studies
In the twentieth century more American women than ever are experiencing a new state in the life course: active old age. Life course methodology concentrates on the timing of life events or people in relation to the social structures and historical context and changes that affect them over their life span. For women in the twentieth century four factors have facilitated the emergence of active old age: (1) new and more effective contraception; (2) changing attitudes about women and the family; (3) increased education and job opportunities for women; (4) medical advances that have prolonged and enhanced American fives.;Alice Bullock's desire and ability to pursue creative work in later life highlights this new life state for women. Personal growth and success beyond middle age and motherhood allows women more opportunity to make lasting contributions to society, a boon for the entire culture. Life course theory, in conjunction with the study of individual women's fives, can further delineate societal and historical changes that have made active old age possible; and make it more so for future elderly Americans. Alice Bullock's biography celebrates old age and illustrates that every stage of the life course, with proper care and resources, can be fulfilling.
Keywords/Search Tags:Life, Old age, Women, Alice
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