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A theory of just war: A philosophical and historical analysis

Posted on:2000-05-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Loyola University ChicagoCandidate:Boyd, Andrew JohnFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is primarily a defense of a rule-utilitarian theory of just war. The dissertation will also include an historical application of this theory of just war. In the most general of terms, these are the main goals of my dissertation. I will devise and defend a rule-utilitarian theory of just war, and I will apply that theory to the American war in Vietnam. Within this context, there are several more specific tasks to be completed. I will define and explain important representative portions of the Catholic and the secular just war tradition. The Bishops' letter The Challenge of Peace constitutes a culmination of many centuries of Christian thinking on morality in war, and it will serve as a sort of framework for my theory of just war. Michael Walzer's Just and Unjust Wars is an important centerpiece of secular just war thinking, and parts of it will be put to work in my theory as well. As my theory is a rule-utilitarian one, it is necessary to get clear on what exactly utilitarianism as a moral theory is, what the difference between rule and act-utilitarianism is, and to defend rule over act-utilitarianism. Specifically, the dissertation has the following goals: (1){A0}To define and explain important parts of the Christian just war tradition. (2){A0}To explain key portions of perhaps the most important secular work on just war, Michael Walzer's Just and Unjust Wars. (3){A0}To define utilitarianism as a moral theory as clearly as possible, while illustrating the difference between act and rule-utilitarianism. (4){A0}To defend rule over act-utilitarianism. (5){A0}To devise and defend a rule-utilitarian theory of just war. (6){A0}To illustrate the virtues of my theory of just war by applying it to the American war in Vietnam. I argue that the American war in Vietnam failed to meet the criteria for just wars.
Keywords/Search Tags:War, Theory, Dissertation
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