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Inappropriate humor during interpersonal interactions: An analysis of contexts and responses

Posted on:2001-12-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Graham, Steven ToddFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014460182Subject:Speech communication
This study investigated inappropriate humor during interpersonal interactions. The three-fold purpose was to determine, in various interpersonal contexts, types of humor considered inappropriate, reasons for its inappropriateness, and effective response strategies for handling the inappropriate humor. Twenty-four interview respondents were recruited through the use of purposive sampling. The interviews were semi-structured, employed open ended questions, ranged from 20 to 45 minutes in length, and were audiotape recorded for later transcription. The data was then analyzed with an Ad hoc approach that utilized open coding to identify categories and recurring patterns. Response units were categorized into sections that comprised the four primary contexts of interpersonal interactions involving inappropriate humor. These four contexts were interactions involving cross-sex humor, ethnic humor, workplace joking, and humor across different relationship stages. Analysis revealed that the workplace setting contained several context specific implications. If sought by employees, company anti-harassment policies were discovered to be an effective technique toward reducing inappropriate humor. However, inappropriate humor often caused the receivers to become isolated within the organization, and issues of power and status affected the employees when they contemplated available response strategies. Results also provided several repeated discoveries among contexts. Originally, sexual, sexist, and ethnic humor were often perceived as inappropriate across all contexts. Source intent was a primary reason identified by participants when they assessed potentially inappropriate humor. Finally, ignoring the inappropriate humor was generally determined to be an ineffective response for its removal, while verbally displaying displeasure was noted within all contexts as the most effective response strategy for the elimination of inappropriate humor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inappropriate humor, Contexts, Response
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