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Multiculturalism in nursing education: A study of associate degree faculty experiences incorporating multiculturalism within didactic nursing courses

Posted on:2017-08-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Traylor, Sara EFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore the experiences of associate degree nursing faculty incorporating multiculturalism within didactic nursing courses. Increasing diversity within the United States indicates the need for culturally competent health care delivery to improve health outcomes and disparities. Nurses must be prepared to provide culturally competent care to diverse populations and nursing education must facilitate student preparedness to provide culturally competent care. While the greater body of literature has provided a sound foundation for incorporating multiculturalism within a variety of nursing courses to best prepare nursing students to provide culturally competent care, there is a gap in the research literature that does not specifically address the experiences of faculty incorporating multiculturalism within didactic nursing courses. Ten (10) participants provided thick descriptions of their experiences incorporating multiculturalism within didactic nursing courses. The participants identified various teaching methods used to help students develop cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and cultural competence; thus facilitating student development to become culturally competent care givers. The participants also thought incorporating multiculturalism within didactic courses was important but inconsistent and needs to improve to better prepare students to provide culturally competent nursing care. Leininger's culture care theory and the Papadopoulos, Tilki, and Taylor (PTT) model for developing cultural competence formed the theoretical framework to support the study and guide the interview questions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Incorporating multiculturalism, Experiences, Faculty
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