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Marxist theory and creative thinking about post-capitalist alternatives: A Japanese intervention

Posted on:2002-02-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Queen's University (Canada)Candidate:Westra, Richard JohnFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014451116Subject:Political science
What this dissertation intends to demonstrate, is that despite his Nineteenth Century temporal emplacement, Marx's corpus contains powerful and enduring (timeless if you will) theorizations and insights that provide a solid foundation for understanding determinant aspects of the Twenty First Century world, and further, which point clearly to the viability of a genuine socialist alternative future. However, defending Marx as such, draws into sharp relief the related question of the demise of the Twentieth Century social orders built in the spirit of Marx. And it is here that we arrive at a point which will emerge as a signal theme of this dissertation: for what I intend in part to argue is that while it is true that the "socialist" endeavors of the past century were advertised as following Marx's Precepts on post-capitalist social change, what I proceed to label the soviet style experiments, were in fact animated by serious misapprehensions of Marx's theories. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx's, Century
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