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Narrative as valid knowing

Posted on:2002-04-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Jensen, Judith LFull Text:PDF
The belief that mythic narrative is a genuine way of knowing and perceiving truth guides this dissertation. I propose that narrative knowing is as valid for internal, subjective states as the validity of the empirical, propositional method is for external experience. This conviction is examined through the theories of hermeneutics, linguistics, neurology, psychology, and history with an emphasis on exploring the philosophical shift from modernity to postmodernity at the time of the change into the third millennium of the Common Era.; Narrative as valid knowing is evaluated by analyzing the linguistic theories of the function of metaphor, the neurological theories and current research regarding brain lateralization, and the historical effect of both internal narratization and external written narratization on individuals as well as society at large. Narratization is shown to be a vital function of healthy, secondary process thinking with historical roots in pre-literate societies and important implications for post-literate society.; The roles of word and image in narrative, especially with regard to the healing aspect, are discussed and illustrated through the presentation of the myth of Prometheus as an example of narrative healing, the story of Ivan Illych as an example of metaphor in healing, and the narrative of Jacob wrestling with an angel as an example of active imagination in healing.; A personal experience of re-membering the myth of Demeter and Persephone in the format of a contemporary novel is presented as an example of healing soulwork. The value of this kind of narrative knowing points to the continued need to maintain a balance between the mythic and literal aspects of life, both of which are critical to the health of individuals and society alike.
Keywords/Search Tags:Narrative, Knowing, Valid
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