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Domestication of chia, Salvia hispanica L. (Lamiaceae)

Posted on:2002-02-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, RiversideCandidate:Cahill, Joseph PatrickFull Text:PDF
Biological and cultural patterns and processes of crop evolution were assessed and reconstructed for chia, Salvia hispanica L. an annual seed crop in the mint (Lamicaeae) family. Field collections of germplasm and human knowledge took place throughout Mexico and Central America. Data compiled and analyzed for the resulting collection of 43 accessions included ethnobotanical knowledge, morphology, genetics, systematics, and plant development.; Despite a great diversity of medicinal, culinary, artistic, and religious uses, since the 16th century Spanish colonization of Mesoamerica, the primary recorded uses of chia have remained medicinal uses of seeds. More dramatic shifts in usage patterns were observed within each use category. No correlation was found between any of the morphological distinct accessions and ethnobotanical use, nor did any correlation between phylogenetic groupings and operations are recognized for their patience and willingness to provide more and more irrigation, year after year. The following individuals contributed to harvesting and processing of plant material, Angela Barker, Ami Shah, Jessica Chao, and Mitchel Provance. Dr. Richard Whitkus, Nisao Ogata, and Gillian Schultz all challenged me to think in new ways for better or worse. Dr. Edward Plummer assisted in formatting images and other computer issues.; This research was partially funded by the UCR Graduate Division Research Dissertation Grant awarded in Fall 1998, the Omnibus academic senate research grant of 1999, the Anne S. Chatham fellowship from the Missouri Botanic Gardens and The Garden Club of America awarded in 1999, the Graduate Student Achievement award 2000, the UCMEXUS small grant 2000, a GSA minigrant, a BPSC minigrant, and the department of Botany and Plant Sciences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chia
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