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The relationship between Title I funding allocations and student achievement

Posted on:2012-06-30Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:California State University, StanislausCandidate:Contreras, HeatherFull Text:PDF
Title I legislation was enacted in 1965 under the Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Act. The goal of Title I was to support disadvantaged students in achieving academic excellence and to close the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and students from high socioeconomic backgrounds. Despite billions of dollars, and more than 40 years of legislation, Title I has not helped to close the achievement gap. Studies demonstrate that, in 2009, the achievement gap between white, middle, and upper socioeconomic students and poor, black, and other minority students remains distinctly similar to that in 1965. This study examined the impact of Title I spending categories on student achievement. School-site budgets from 114 school-wide Title I elementary schools were collected and analyzed. School-site budgets were categorized into eight spending categories of personnel, staff development, parent-education reading programs, math programs, technology, libraries, and miscellaneous. A multiple-regression equation analyzed the relationship between the allocation percentage in each of the eight budget categories and student achievement as measured by each school site's Academic Performance Index score. The results suggest that there is no significant relationship between Title I spending allocations and student achievement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Achievement, Title, Relationship
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