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Close friends of God: An ethnography of health of older Hispanic people

Posted on:1996-06-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Colorado Health Sciences CenterCandidate:Martinez, Ruby JoAnnFull Text:PDF
Cultural values profoundly influence the experience of health and illness for individuals, as well as the ways in which nurses and other health care practitioners respond to perceived client needs. Success in implementing and evaluating quality care is contingent upon understanding the cultural beliefs and health goals of consumers. Provision of culturally congruent care to underserved minority populations is a moral obligation of nursing.;The purpose of this ethnographic study was to gain a definition of health and well-being as perceived by a group of Hispanic older adults living in southern Colorado and to explore cultural influences on health practices. The sample consisted of fourteen primary participants, ranging in age from 60 to 89, along with six health professionals and two clergy who practice in the community. Data were collected via taped ethnographic interviews, participant observation and photographs. Transcripts and field notes were analyzed qualitatively yielding categories, domains and cultural themes. Major domains were identified as health, family, God and community. In addition, three primary cultural themes related to health were identified: (1) Health is creating balance in life. (2) One fulfills obligations to self through fulfilling obligations to others. (3) Health is faith that one will be cared for by God, family and community. Participants held holistic views of self and spiritual aspects of life played a major role in their health.;Mental health was described as knowing what is right, living a life consistent with one's beliefs and values, holding trust that life will work out, and maintaining faith in God.;Caring for self was lived through caring for others for whom one has responsibility. Nursing care for this population must incorporate spirituality, the blending of modern medicine with traditional healing remedies, and appropriate inclusion of family members in health matters. Further research is needed on prayer, remedies and miracles and their relation to health. This study makes a significant contribution to development of holistic nursing practice for a specific ethnic minority population.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health, God, Cultural
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