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Cross-modality learning and redundancy with auditory and visual displays

Posted on:1998-01-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Whaley, Christopher JFull Text:PDF
Performance on a one-dimensional tracking task and a running memory task was compared during a training/transfer experiment. One hundred eight participants were trained to use either auditory displays, visual displays or a redundant combination of the two displays. The training display modality was manipulated as a between subjects variable with subsequent transfer of one-third of each group to one of the three display modality types (Auditory, Visual or Auditory/Visual). This yielded nine training/transfer combinations to form the nested 3 (Training Display Type) x 3 (Transfer Display Type) repeated measures (Trial, Block), mixed design. Seven speakers were arranged in a 180...
Keywords/Search Tags:Display, Auditory, Visual
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