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Computational methods for continuum models of platelet aggregation

Posted on:1998-09-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of UtahCandidate:Wang, Nien-TzuFull Text:PDF
Platelet aggregation plays an important role in blood clotting. Numerical methods for simulating the behavior of Fogelson's continuum models of platelet aggregation have been developed which involve: (1) multidimensional high-resolution finite difference schemes for advective transport, and (2) a hybrid finite-difference and spectral method for the model's link evolution equation. This equation is a partial differential equation in four spatial dimensions and time. The influence of new chemically-induced activation, link formation, and shear-induced link breaking are investigated as a step toward exploring the embolization process. The mechanical characteristics of the platelet aggregate composite material are also examined using the new numerical methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Methods, Platelet
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