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A phylogenetic world revision of the Macrodactylini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)

Posted on:2003-12-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Katovich, Kerry RobertFull Text:PDF
A revision of the generic classification of the tribe Macrodactylini is provided using morphological characters of adults. The revision is based on a taxonomic analysis of 78 genera historically placed in the tribe, and a cladistic analysis of 42 genera conforming to the new tribal definition. Eight trees were produced in a heuristic search, with all characters unweighted and unordered; one tree each was produced using successive approximations weighting based on consistency index and retention index. Both phylogenies are discussed as hypothetical relationships within the newly defined tribe. Synapomorphies for the newly defined Macrodactylini include: the fifth visible ventrite longer than the fourth visible ventrite when viewed ventrally, fifth visible abdominal segment lacking a complete suture between the tergite and ventrite, and the metathoracic tibial spurs (if present) offset, allowing the basitarsus to move past them. Forty-two genera constitute the newly defined Macrodactylini: Agaocnemis Moser, Alvarinus Blanchard, Ancistrosoma Curtis, Anomalochilus Blanchard, Anomonyx Saylor, Anoplosiagum Blanchard, Astaenosiagum Martinez, Barybas Blanchard, Byrasba Harold, Calodactylus Blanchard, Ceraspis Lepeletier & Serville, Ceratolontha Arrow, Chariodactylus Moser, Chariodema Blanchard, Clavipalpus Laporte, Chremastodus Solier, Ctenotis Burmeister, Dasyus Lepeletier & Serville, Demodema Blanchard, Dichelomorpha Burmeister, Dicrania Lepeletier and Serville, Diphycerus Fairmaire, Gama Blanchard, Gastrohoplus Moser, Hadrocerus Guérin-Méneville, Hercitis Burmeister, Hieritis Burmeister, Isonychus Mannerheim, Issacaris Fairmaire, Macrodactylus Dejean, Mallotarsus Blanchard, Manodactylus Moser, Maraopus Laporte, Oedichira Burmeister, Pectinosoma Arrow, Plectris Lepeletier & Serville, Pristerophora Harold, Rhinaspis Perty, Rhinaspoides Moser, Schizochelus Blanchard, Ulomenes Blanchard, and Xenoceraspis Arrow. Four new generic synonyms are proposed: Corminus Burmeister 1855, junior synonoym of Alvarinus Blanchard 1850, Ctilocephala Burmeister 1855, Eubarybas Gutiérrez 1952, and Pseudohercitis Moser 1921, each a junior synonym of Barybas Blanchard 1850. Eight genera remain incertae sedis due to lack of adequate study material: Acanthosternum Philippi, Astaenoplia Martinez, Aulanota Moser, Canestera Saylor, Diphydactylus Thomson, Hamatoplectris Frey, Metaceraspis Frey, and Pachylotoma Blanchard. Fifty-seven genera are redescribed and illustrated (42 Macrodactylini and 15 genera historically placed within the tribe). A key to the genera of Macrodactylini is provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Macrodactylini, Revision, Tribe, Blanchard, Genera
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