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Furthering the development of a screening instrument to assess brain injury in children

Posted on:2003-09-08Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:James Madison UniversityCandidate:Simpson, Gary RichardFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to further the development of the Comprehensive Neuropsychological Screening Instrument for Children (CNSIC) developed by Ernst (2000). The CNSIC is a brief (25--30 minutes) screening tool that was developed to evaluate cognitive functions in children impacted by brain injury. The investigator further developed this tool by dividing the manuscript into a test easel, protocol, and test manual. Decisions, regarding changes to the CNSIC, were guided by information obtained from a preliminary test tryout. The CNSIC was administered to 70 children, 6--12 years of age, with 10 children being screened from each age level. Descriptive statistics were collected for both individual items and subtests by age level. Administration time (individual subtests and entire battery) was recorded. Data was collected to ensure the clarity of subtest instructions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children, Screening, CNSIC
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