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An exploration of the pharmacist-patient communicative relationship

Posted on:2004-06-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Gade, Carmin JaneFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011975028Subject:Speech communication
The advent of consumerism in healthcare juxtaposed with a massive influx of medications available (e.g., prescription, over-the-counter, herbal, alternative therapy), increasing population, decreased number of pharmacists, and the desire to maximize positive health outcomes has resulted in the need to understand the intricacies of the pharmacist-patient communicative relationship. The underlying objectives of this exploratory study included: (1) the determination of current views of pharmacist-patient communication related to traditional medication therapy, as well as increased use of herbal therapies, (2) understanding the perceptions and expectations inherent in the pharmacist's role as a health care professional, (3) understanding the influence of technology in current pharmacy care and/or the promotion of medication use safety juxtaposed with positive health outcomes, (4) providing recommendations for future research and development in this health care arena.; This survey resulted in the identification of three key roles of today's pharmacists being: (1) traditional role, (2) health care provider role, and (3) alternative therapy source role. A spectrum of pharmacist roles was then developed as both pharmacist and patient respondents agreed to the significance of these roles, in addition to identifying key responsibilities of each participant in this health care relationship. Finally, other key influencers (i.e., medication use safety, technology, herbal/alternative therapies) were shown to be significant considerations. In sum, the results suggest a need to develop communication skills training for pharmacists and patients to assist them in developing shared meaning while realizing positive health outcomes. Much more research is needed, but these results have introduced a framework from which to develop a greater understanding of this communicative relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Communicative, Relationship, Health, Care, Pharmacist-patient
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