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An exploration of the life experiences of deaf persons after receiving cochlear implants

Posted on:2004-08-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:George Mason UniversityCandidate:McCartin, Eileen FrancesFull Text:PDF
Cochlear implants are becoming increasingly common as a treatment for deafness. An understanding of the experiences of cochlear implant (CI) users and of optimal education and (re)habilitation services is important to maximize the benefits available. Using a mixed qualitative and quantitative focus, this study investigated (1) the perceptions of adult cochlear implant users pre and post implant, and (2) educational approaches useful to adults in learning to hear/rehear with a CI. Eighty adult CI users completed Internet surveys with open-ended questions and quality of life checklists. Eight CI users were interviewed in depth.; Results indicated that persons were highly satisfied with their cochlear implants and that this satisfaction was irrespective of aggregate model used or length of time with the implant. Participants described significant positive changes in their lives post implant including improved communication abilities and increased social interaction. They detailed numerous adaptations they had made in learning to live with hearing loss and the cochlear implant. In all, the CI users in this study perceived hearing loss to have played a significant role in their lives. That role was often perceived negatively, notwithstanding evidence of resilience and successful adaptations and accommodations.; Participants indicated significant improvement of quality of life factors post implant. All the negative factors of anger, stress, anxiety, loneliness, and fatigue were rated high pre implant and significantly lower post implant. Positive factors of joy, contentment, usefulness, happiness, and confidence were rated low pre implant and significantly higher post implant.
Keywords/Search Tags:Implant, CI users, Life
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