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New vibro-acoustic paradigms in biological tissues with application to diagnosis of pulmonary disorders

Posted on:2003-02-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at ChicagoCandidate:Zhang, XianglingFull Text:PDF
The fundamental objective of the present study is to improve our understanding of audible sound propagation in the pulmonary system and torso. A related applied objective is to assess the feasibility of using audible acoustics for diagnosis of specific pulmonary conditions, such as pneumothorax (PTX). To accomplish these objectives, this study includes theoretical, computational and experimental developments aimed at: (1) better identifying the mechanical dynamic properties of soft biological tissues found in the torso region, (2) investigating the mechanisms of sound attenuation that occur when a PTX is present using greatly simplified theoretical and computational models, and (3) exploring the feasibility and utility of more comprehensive and precise computational finite element models of audible sound propagation in the pulmonary system and torso that would aid in related diagnostic developments.; Mechanical material properties of soft biological tissue are studied for the low audible frequency range. The sensitivity to shear viscoelastic material constants of theoretical solutions for radiation impedance and surface wave motion are compared. Theoretical solutions are also compared to experimental measurements and numerical results from finite element analysis. It is found that, while prior theoretical solutions for radiation impedance are accurate, use of such measurements to estimate shear viscoelastic constants is not as precise as the use of surface wave measurements.; The feasibility of using audible sound for diagnosis of pneumothorax is studied. Simplified one- and two-dimensional theoretical and numerical models of sound transmission through the pulmonary system and chest region to the chest wall surface are developed to more clearly understand the mechanism of energy loss when a pneumothorax is present, relative to a baseline case. A canine study on which these models are based predicts significant decreases in acoustic transmission strength when a pneumothorax is presented, in qualitative agreement with experimental measurements in dogs.; Finally, the feasibility of building three-dimensional computational models is studied based on CT images of human subject or combination of the Horsfield airway model with geometry of other parts approximate from medical illustration. Preliminary results from these models show the same trend of acoustic energy loss when a PTX is present.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pulmonary, Present, Audible sound, Models, PTX, Biological, Diagnosis
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