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Three audiology in-service instructional tutorials for healthcare providers

Posted on:2003-06-11Degree:Au.DType:Dissertation
University:Central Michigan UniversityCandidate:Williamson, Angela SFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011479050Subject:Health Sciences
The profession of audiology becomes more autonomous each year and, increasingly, referrals for patient care and evaluation come from healthcare professionals other than the traditional sources of otolaryngologists and pediatricians. Although these specialists will continue to refer to audiologists, it is expected that a variety of additional healthcare providers will refer their patients to audiologists for evaluation of hearing, communication, and balance disorders. With this in mind, a series of tutorials has been developed to provide education about available audiology tests, test interpretation and assistive devices such as hearing aids and cochlear implants for those with hearing loss. These tutorials will provide a ready-to-present package of learning objectives, Microsoft® PowerPoint slides, speaker's notes, reference lists, and quizzes on these various topics of audiology. The lessons can be presented in approximately one hour each, and are suitable for in-service education for physicians, medical residents, nurses or technical staff. Essentially any population in need of further education about the role and capabilities of audiology in patient assessment and (re)habilitation would comprise the target audience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Audiology, Healthcare, Tutorials
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