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Antidepressants and adherence with healthcare regimens

Posted on:2004-10-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Pacific Graduate School of PsychologyCandidate:Toews, Karl JFull Text:PDF
The transtheoretical model (TTM) was explored to determine its ability to predict adherence with prescriptions for antidepressant medication (N = 224). Individuals being served by a VA Health Care System were selected through pharmacy records and sent questionnaires. Over half of the participants were adherent, taking their medication everyday over the preceding month. Non-adherence was significantly associated with the TTM measures of the processes of change, temptations, and cons, as well as, being younger, having a past antidepressant prescription, being prescribed fewer medications, experiencing more severe side effects, and having a negative relationship with the provider of the mediation.; When considered together, only the number of medications prescribed, the relationship with the provider, processes of change, cons, and temptation measures remained in the model. The transtheoretical model measures accounted for almost a quarter of the variance in the adherence measure and correctly classified the adherence of over two thirds of the sample.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adherence
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