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The rise and growth of AIDS NGOs in China

Posted on:2012-01-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ChicagoCandidate:Yu, ZhiyuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011460382Subject:Asian Studies
This dissertation investigates the factors that give rise to and shape the development dynamics of AIDS non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in China. This study explains why grassroots NGOs, government-organized NGOs (GONGOs) and international NGOs grow in different trajectories, how AIDS NGOs mobilize resources and how different sources of resources influence the AIDS NGOs' dynamics and movement outcomes.;Drawing on social movement theory, organizational theory and state-society relation theory, this dissertation argues that political opportunities and financial resources have a significant impact on grassroots AIDS NGOs' development in China, while financial resources and international pressure influence the development of GONGOs. Although financial resources are key to AIDS NGOs, the ability to secure financial resources varies widely among AIDS NGOs. Grassroots AIDS NGOs have more difficulty in accessing financial resources because of their lack of legal status, difficult relationship with the government, and local political environment. GONGOs are more likely to receive funding from the Chinese government and corporate grants. The study also finds that different sources of resources will impose different constraints on AIDS NGOs' development. Radical AIDS NGOs in China rely on foreign donors---in particular, those foreign foundations with a political orientation---and are more concentrated in the issue areas of policy advocacy and patient rights promotion, while moderate AIDS NGOs receive more resources from government-controlled funding, and are more concentrated in the field of AIDS care and treatment services.;This dissertation draws on data from over 600 AIDS NGOs in China and over 30 in-depth interviews with AIDS NGO leaders in China. This study has implications for social organization and civil society development and the study of contentious politics in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:AIDS ngos, Development, Social, Political, Financial resources, China this study
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