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The relationship between the expansion of irrigation and crop diversification in the north-central Ogallala High Plains, 1950--1997

Posted on:2001-09-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Kansas State UniversityCandidate:Schafer, Thomas CarlFull Text:PDF
Since 1945, agriculture in most portions of the United States has become more specialized, both at the regional and sub-regional level. The north-central Ogallala High Plains have been an exception to this trend, becoming significantly more diverse over the same time period. It was hypothesized that increases in irrigated acres were primarily responsible for this increase in diversity. Counties which had experienced significant increases in irrigation were identified, and changes in diversity and irrigation were mapped and compared over the years 1950–1997. These changes were also examined using multivariate regression analysis and comparative analysis techniques. It was determined that while a relationship did exist between crop diversification and irrigation, that relationship was not a linear one, and was strongest at the beginning of the study period. It was posited that irrigation is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for crop diversification on the north-central Ogallala High Plains.
Keywords/Search Tags:North-central ogallala high plains, Crop diversification, Irrigation, Relationship
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