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Models of interacting stellar winds

Posted on:1998-03-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, BerkeleyCandidate:Wilkin, Francis PatrickFull Text:PDF
Stars drive supersonic winds which interact violently with their surroundings. Analytic and numerical models of hypersonic, interacting circumstellar flows are presented for several important astrophysical problems. A new solution method for steady-state, axisymmetric, wind collision problems is applied to radiative bow shocks from moving stars and to the collision of two spherical winds in a binary star system. The solutions obtained describe the shape of the geometrically thin, shocked shell of matter, as well as its mass surface density and the tangential velocity within it. Analytic solutions are also obtained for non-axisymmetric bow shocks, where the asymmetry arises due to either a transverse gradient in the ambient medium, or a misaligned, axisymmetric stellar wind.; While the solutions are all easily scaled in terms of their relevant dimensional parameters, the important assumption of radiative shocks implies that the models are most applicable towards systems with dense environments and low preshock velocities. The bow shock model has previously been applied to cometary, ultracompact HII regions by Van Buren et al. (1990), who discussed extensively the applicability of the thin shell approximation.; I next model the collision between a protostellar wind and supersonic infall from a rotating cloud, employing a quasi-steady, thin-shell formulation. The spherical wind is initially crushed to the protostellar surface by nearly spherical infall. The centrifugal distortion of infalling matter eventually permits a wind-supported, trapped bubble to slowly expand on an evolutionary {dollar}({lcub}sim{rcub} 10sp5{dollar} yr) time. The shell becomes progressively more extended along the rotational axis, due to the asymmetry of the infall. When the quasi-steady assumption breaks down, the shell has become a needle-like, bipolar configuration that may represent a precursor to protostellar jets. I stress, however, the likelihood of instability for the shell, and the possibility of oscillatory behavior in a fully time-dependent model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model, Wind, Shell
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