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How the 'Ae Deul' second generation Korean Americans can become responsible Christian adults

Posted on:2017-10-05Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Drew UniversityCandidate:Ahn, DavidFull Text:PDF
In this project the notion of responsibility for the "Ae Deul", or children, second generation Korean American Christians is evaluated in relation to the connection of the Korean speaking immigrant church. The first generation Korean speaking "parents" have harvested a culture of labeling the English speaking members as "Ae Deul" regardless of age or social status. Through this distinction the EM, English Ministry, has developed an understanding that the church they are a part of is simply their "parent's church" and in order to mature as Christians a sense of ownership needs to be harnessed. For some second generation Korean Americans the struggle between the first generation is so difficult that many have opted to planting their own ministries away from their parents. The diminished role of the second generation in the immigrant church has led to a sense of responsibility and awareness, but with a lack of a developed spirituality, love, self, and stewardship the progress has been slow.;Through the studying of KumRan United Methodist Church (Glory Church), survey's, interviews, and a website were used to introduce the idea of developing a story which would describe and validate the experience of the second generation. The ideas of ontology, love, mission, and sacraments were also evaluated to develop a better understanding of where the second generation stands in their faith and spirituality as well as point out influences that have affected the second generation perspectives. Though there are influences and factors that have contributed to the state of the first and generation Korean Americans it is important that the second generation ultimately take responsibility and ownership of their own faith and not hide behind the beliefs of their parents. A key understanding of this relationship between the two is the influence of leaders and the origin of participation in churches. The first generation needed to attend church for adjustment and survival in the new land, while the second generation have been given the option to attend because of the opportunities that were afforded to them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Second generation, Ae deul, Spirituality
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