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Optimization of the operation of multireservoir systems: A Great Lakes case study

Posted on:2000-04-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Waterloo (Canada)Candidate:Bessa, Marcelo RodriguesFull Text:PDF
To solve reservoir operation problems it is necessary to take into account that natural processes such as inflows, groundwater contribution, evaporation, rainfall, runoff, which are the inputs to the system, are uncertain events. The methods here proposed consider the stochasticity of the inputs. The uncertainty of events like evaporation, rainfall, groundwater contribution, runoff, is incorporated in either the net inflows or the net basin supplies.; In order to recognize the intrinsic stochastic features of the natural inputs and take them into consideration explicitly, Stochastic Dynamic Programming is employed to generate long-term operation policies. Because of the well-known “curse of dimensionality”, that can affect the optimization of large systems, the technique Multi-Level Approximate Aggregation/Decomposition -...
Keywords/Search Tags:Operation
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