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Coherent effects and enhanced cooling in optical lattices

Posted on:2001-07-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MichiganCandidate:Dutta, Subrata KumarFull Text:PDF
Optical lattices are periodic arrangements of laser cooled atoms trapped in potentials created by the interference of multiple laser beams. In this dissertation, we describe a series of experiments performed using optical lattices that exploit the coherence of atoms and we also look at new ways to cool the atoms.; With a sudden shift of the optical lattice, atomic wavepackets can be created that evolve much like a classical particle. Using a photon redistribution technique, we have characterized the oscillation of wavepackets in the anharmonic potential wells.; Atoms will quantum mechanically tunnel between lattice sites with a sufficiently shallow potential. Due to the structure of the optical lattices that are used, while the atom is tunneling, its internal angular momentum state must change. We use this change to detect and characterize the tunneling. The change in internal state leads to the formation of a new potential that acts on the atom, which is known as a gauge potential, which does not depend on the light intensity, but depends only on the geometry of the lattice. We have for the first time measured and characterized this gauge potential. Finally, by randomly modulating the lattice potential, we have demonstrated that tunneling can be suppressed.; We have shown that an enhancement of the Sisyphus cooling process, which localizes atoms in the wells of an optical lattice, is possible using a bichromatic standing wave. A time of flight technique is used to verify the cooling improvement.; We combine the techniques developed in these experiments and apply them to the cooling of the trapped atoms using a feedback mechanism, which is analogous to the well known technique of stochastic cooling in the field of beam physics.; Lastly, we have laid the theoretical basis for using the ponderomotive force to create optical lattices for laser cooled Rydberg atoms. Rydberg atoms are attractive because of their many extreme properties, and the ability to trap Rydberg atoms into lattice sites will increase the range of experiments and measurements that can be made with them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lattice, Atoms, Cooling, Potential
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