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Comprehensive timber harvest planning for plantation forests on difficult terrain: Sokoine University of Agriculture Training Forest, Tanzania

Posted on:1998-11-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Oregon State UniversityCandidate:Shemwetta, Dunstan T. KFull Text:PDF
Plantation forests on mountainous areas in Tanzania, East Africa, were successfully established in the 1950's. Harvesting started in the 1970's to meet increased national timber demand. Current problems of unharvested areas and potential environmental degradation are associated with uncontrolled harvests, mismatch of harvest systems to site needs, and post-harvest practices. Comprehensive harvest planning is offered as the needed solution. Effective timber harvest planning is proposed for successful harvesting using a suggested process and protocol. Planning for difficult terrain in the United States Pacific Northwest (PNW) provides valuable lessons for objective refinement, systems selection, monitoring and planning tools of the protocol.; An area on the Sokoine University of Agriculture Training Forest (SUATF), Tanzania, with difficult terrain, valuable timber, and environmentally sensitive conditions is used to develop a planning protocol and monitoring guidelines for harvesting. A reference area on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation (WSIR) of Oregon provides comparative data for the project. Plan objectives, planning tools, harvesting systems options, implementation requirements and monitoring criteria were explored through observation, interviews and analytical procedures.; A planning procedure incorporating the technical, economical and institutional timber harvesting factors of Tanzania and other similar circumstances is demonstrated. Guidelines for monitoring plan execution and harvesting impacts are shown, with a new emphasis on research monitoring. The study recommendations and summary will help Tanzania national forestry policy to avoid crisis management in harvesting operations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harvest, Tanzania, Planning, Difficult terrain, Timber, Monitoring
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